AirsPops ECO
Disposable e-cigarettes are a revolution in helping millions of people quit smoking. Unfortunately, disposables are also the fastest moving consumer electronic device, with millions thrown away EVERY DAY as general waste.
The batteries in e-cigarettes are rechargeable and rated for hundreds of charges. Disposing them after a single use is extremely wasteful, particularly amid rising global demand for batteries. As electronic waste, ruptured batteries can also leak to pollute the soil or water sources. The demand for more batteries has also escalated mining for raw materials in poor countries in exploitative and terrible conditions.
As a global entity with a presence in over 50 countries worldwide, AIRSCREAM UK is committed to helping users quit smoking ethically while operating sustainably and responsibly.
Although some new e-cigarette designs are recyclable, there are no existing programs to facilitate end-to-end recycling of such devices.

Enter AirsPops Eco
AirsPops Eco is the world’s first true e-cigarette recycling system.
HOW DOES AirsPops Eco differ from other recyclable vapes?
1. AirsPops Eco’s external shell is made entirely of recycled plastic, which can be turned into plastic pellets for reuse. The shell is intentionally made durable to reduce the likelihood of damage to its precious internal components.
2. AirsPops Eco’s internal battery and sensor modules are housed in a separate module. The modules are recycled for use in other AirsPops Eco units.
3. Therefore, AirsPops Eco relies on users returning used devices for recycling.
4. Users who return their AirsPops Eco devices enjoy attractive discounts off their next purchase.
5. This not only encourages a practice of recycling but is a win-win for everyone and the environment!
What are the Benefits of ONE USE Eco?
For users, AirsPops Eco encourages ethical and sustainable vaping practice while enjoying cost savings and lowering their carbon footprint.
Manufacturers reusing the valuable batteries and sensors mean lower manufacturing costs. Reusing these valuable components also means a stabler supply chain less impacted by market forces.
Retailers and distributors enjoy higher profit per AirsPops Eco device sale, therefore less reliant on volume sales. They are also encouraging more sustainable vaping by transitioning users away from single-use devices.
Last but not least, ONE AirsPops Eco aims to reduce e-cigarette waste and harm to the environment.

Made from recycled plastic and designed with reusable components, the award-winning AirsPops Eco is a bold new step towards a sustainable future for tobacco harm reduction.